Binary to Decimal

Binary to decimal translation is made easy with this simple converter.

() to Decimal

() to Hexadecimal

How to Convert Binary to Decimal?

Before converting a value from binary to decimal, one thing you should remember is that binary is a base-2 number while decimal is a base-10 number. Follow these examples to convert binary to decimal.

To convert binary to decimal, first, separate each binary number. Once separated, you need to multiply the first number by 2 to raise to total numbers minus. To understand the conversion easily, travel through the following example,

(10110)2 to Decimal =

=> 1⋅24+0⋅23+1⋅22+1⋅21+0⋅20

=> (22)10

About Binary and Decimal System

Binary is the oldest form of the numbering system and It has been used for the last several years. It is just a 2-bit number and it requires the least amount of memory to be executed. In other words, computer systems can read and process binary numbers very easily.

On the other hand, a decimal numbering system is a base-10 numbering system. It is more popular among humans because decimal numbers are the easiest to understand for a human being.

As per the above discussion, both binary and decimals are different numbers. A binary to decimal conversion app is necessary when a developer is working on a project that is using brain.js or deep learning algorithms heavily. For projects that are AI-powered, it is required to develop a binary to decimal conversion app to make better human and machine interaction. In this situation, you can either develop your binary to decimal converter or use our converter.

Interesting Fact: Nikola Tesla's 369 Theorem is Connected With Binary and Decimal Numbers

Nikola Tesla was a genius scientist and he is widely known for his work AC(Alternating Current) current. Apart from AC, he had also invented several other machines and he gave plenty of theorems. However he did not give detailed information about these theorems hence different scientists interpret the theorem from their perspective.

One such theorem is Nikola Tesla's 369 numbers theorem and many scientists believe that this theorem is connected with binary and decimal numbers. The binary conversion of decimal numbers 3, 6, and 9 comes to the same binary. For example, number 3 in binary is 11, 6 in binary is 110, and 9 in binary is 1001.

The binary numbers were invented in the 17th Century before the birth of Tesla. Nikola Tesla studied Mechanical & electrical engineering and during his educational years, he must have gathered knowledge about the binary to decimal conversion. However, Nikola Tesla never explained his theorem of 369 numbers so this is just an assumption of the theorem.

The conversion from binary to decimal is a little bit long process and the process requires time. For that reason, we have developed this binary to decimal converter that not only converts binary to decimal but it can also convert binary to hexadecimal value as well on just one click.

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