Chinese Gender Predictor

About Chinese Gender Prediction

The Chinese Gender Prediction Chart, also known as the Chinese Birth Chart, is an ancient tool believed to predict the gender of an unborn baby. Dating back over 700 years, it is said to have originated from the Qing Dynasty and was discovered in a royal tomb. Though not scientifically proven, many people still use it for fun or out of curiosity during pregnancy.

This method uses two main factors: the mother’s lunar age at the time of conception and the lunar month in which conception occurred. The lunar calendar, traditionally used in Chinese culture, differs from the Gregorian calendar, so converting dates is essential for accuracy. The chart cross-references these two elements to indicate whether the baby is likely to be a boy or a girl.

To use the chart, a mother first calculates her lunar age by adding one or two years to her actual age, depending on her birthdate and the lunar year. Next, she determines the lunar month of conception. Once both are identified, she locates the intersection on the chart to find the predicted gender.