Hexadecimal to Decimal Converter

Hexadecimal to decimal converter helps you to convert a hex value into its equivalent decimal number with just one click.

() to Decimal

() to Binary

() to Decimal Calculation Explained

How to convert hexadecimal to decimal?

To convert a hex number into a decimal number, follow these steps:

Hex is a 16-bit number and that's why it is written in the power of 16. For example, if you want to convert the hex number 42 into its equivalent value in decimal then you need to multiply each digit with the power of 16. Travel through the following example to convert hex into decimal.

4216 = 4×161+2×160

=> 64+2 = 6610

So, with the help of this technique, you can easily convert hex to decimal.

Importance of Hex to Decimal Conversion

Hexadecimal numbers are the advanced representation of a binary number and most developers prefer to use hex numbers for the product. The decimal numbering system is widely popular amongst humans, all financial activities take place with the help of decimal numbers.

When a developer is working on an Automation product that requires a machine to communicate with the human and a machine waits for the human commands then a developer needs a hexadecimal to decimal conversion app. With such a hex to decimal converter, a software engineer can actually make communication between a machine and a human easier.

How to use this hex to decimal conversion app?

To use this hexadecimal to decimal converter, you can either type the hex number that you want to convert in the textbox or you can just copy all numbers and paste them inside the textbox. Once you enter the hex numbers, tap on the get answer button and as soon as you type on the button, you will get the hexadecimal to decimal conversion in less than one second.

Applications that Use Hex to Decimal Conversion

The concepts of hexadecimal to decimal numbers are widely used in computer systems. Hexadecimal numbers are compact and they can easily be processed by any kind of computer system or microprocessors. One of the most common applications of hexadecimal numbers is nothing but the Wi-fi and MAC address used in the Wi-fi connections. This MAC address is nothing but the base-16 hexadecimal number. This is the main reason why Wi-fi connections and the transmission of the internet are so fast.

If you are a student and want to make a project that includes internet, network, or anything else then you should consider using the hexadecimal to decimal conversion for the same. Because of its smaller size, it can process the data easily. Not only that but hexadecimal numbers are the most advanced stable numbering system. So, if your main concern is performance and speed then you should always consider implementing hexadecimal to decimal conversion instead of any other numbering system.

Our main aim behind developing this hex to number converter is to make it easy and simple for the users to convert these units. To use this hex to decimal conversion app, you just have to enter the hex value inside of the text area and tap on the convert button. As soon as you tap on the convert button, this app will convert the input and show the final conversion in decimal value. Once this app is fully loaded, you can use the app offline as well.