Ohm's Law Calculator

This simple Ohm's law calculator helps you to calculate Ohm's law based on the inputs like Resistance, Current, Voltage, and Power.

Ohm's Law Calculator

You must enter atleast two values in order to get correct answer.

What is Ohm's Law?

Below is the typical Ohm's law equation,

V = IR

As you can see in the equation, v is voltage, I is current, and R is resistance. Ohm's law denotes that voltage is equal to the multiple of current and resistance. It is mainly used in the electronics circuit to calculate the relationship between voltage, current, and resistance. If you want to know the application of Ohm's law in our daily life then we use electronic items like electric heaters, electric kettles, domestic fans, mobile chargers, and fuses.

Applications of Ohm's law

The biggest advantage of Ohm's law is the determining values of resistance and the current flowing in the circuit. With the help of these values, it becomes really easy for the technician to measure other factors like speed, resistivity, and much more. Along with that, it also allows us to calculate the value of power consumption in the least amount of time.

About this Ohm's law calculator

With the help of this unique Ohm's law calculator, it is really easy for anyone to calculate the value of resistance and output voltage with just one click. Not only that, but this Ohm's law calculator also shows the accurate calculation for Ohm's law and it is specifically developed for students and educators. To use this Ohm's law calculator, you just need to insert input voltage and resistance in the text area and tap on the calculate button in order to get output voltage.