Base Converter and Calculator

The simplest base converter and calculator answers any query with just one click. Starting from base-2 to base-36 including all major numbering systems binary, decimal, hexadecimal, and octal, this base converter and calculator returns correct answers for all these bases.

Base Converter

Base Calculator

About this base converter and calculator

This is one of the most advanced calculators and converters for the bases. There are two different sections of this base conversion app. To use a base converter, you need to insert values in the base converter form. On this base converter, you need to select from which base you want to convert and to which base you want to convert a number.

To use the base calculator section, you need to enter two numbers select an arithmetic operation from addition, multiplication, division, and subtraction, and tap on the calculate button. As soon as you tap on the button, you will get the final answer inside the answer section.