Text to Binary

ASCII Text to binary conversion app helps you to convert an ASCII value into its equivalent binary number at just one click.

() to Binary

How to convert ASCII Text to Binary?

Follow these steps to convert ASCII to binary

  • Differentiate all the characters that you want to convert
  • Get the decimal value of that character
  • Once you get the decimal value, convert the decimal value into binary
  • Repeat the same process for all characters differentiated earlier

How to use this text to binary converter?

To use this ASCII to binary translation app, you can either type the text values that you want to convert or paste all the text characters that you want to translate into the text box.

Once you're ready with the input, you can go ahead and tap on the answer button. As soon as you tap on the button, you will get the final text to binary conversion in the answer box. You can tap on the reset button in case you want to start the translation process from scratch

Importance of ASCII to Binary Conversion

You need a text to binary converter in every processor where the machine communicates with the humans and a CPU. Humans cannot read binary values and machines cannot read human text values. In that case, a text to binary translator can make work a lot easier for both users and the developer who is writing code for the software.

What is an ASCII Number?

The word ASCII stands for American Standard Code for Information Interchange and this is nothing but a simple text encoding format for the text data in computer systems, microcontrollers, microprocessors, and other electronic programming. In other words, there are unique values assigned for 128 alphanumeric, numeric, and special characters in ASCII. Consider this your Twitter username. Every single individual has a unique username on Twitter that is assigned to that individual only. The same case is with ASCII values and numbers, alphabets, and special characters. Each of these numbers, alphabets, and special characters have a special character and that is called ASCII value.

Speed is the main requirement for all the latest-designed electronics. Most web developers prefer to develop an app or an electronic device in a way that the performance is quick. In this situation, giving a try to the ASCII values instead of the text values can do wonders in terms of the performance of the machine. The programming of a text to binary and ASCII to binary is very much similar. The only disadvantage of using ASCII instead of text is the memory occupied by the machine. Since ASCII values have 125 different symbols, the usage of the memory in RAM increases and this might require a powerful system to run such a program. At the same time, for the binary to text conversion, this much memory is not required and hence there is no need to shift to a more powerful system.

ASCII Value Binart Conversion
! 00100001
# 00100011
% 00100101
' 00100111
) 00101001
/ 00101111
0 00110000
2 00110010
3 00110011
@ 01000000
= 00111101